Nestled in our backyard, our mini urban homestead is a space where we cultivate fresh vegetables, preserve our harvest, and explore sustainable living in a small-scale setting. We believe that you don’t need acres of land to enjoy the rewards of homegrown food and self-sufficiency. Our raised bed garden is the heart of our homestead, providing us with a variety of fresh produce throughout the seasons.
Harvesting & Preserving the Bounty
One of our biggest passions is preserving our harvest so that we can enjoy homegrown flavors year-round. We use different food preservation techniques such as canning, dehydrating, and freezing. Whether it’s homemade tomato sauce, dried herbs, or frozen berries, our kitchen is always bustling with ways to make the most of our produce. We love sharing beginner-friendly canning and dehydrating techniques to help others get started on their own preservation journey.

Homemade Recipes & Kitchen Creations
From garden to table, we enjoy crafting homemade recipes that highlight the flavors of our backyard harvest. Our website includes delicious recipes, from fresh garden salads to homemade bread, and of course, preservation-friendly meals. We believe that simple, wholesome ingredients make the best dishes, and we’re always excited to experiment with new flavors and techniques.

Growing Our Homestead – Hatching Quail!
As we continue to expand our urban homestead, we are currently in the process of hatching quail! These small but mighty birds will provide us with fresh eggs and add another layer of sustainability to our lifestyle. We are excited to embark on this new adventure and share our experiences with you along the way.

Join Us on Our Journey
Our homesteading adventure is always evolving, and we’d love for you to be a part of it. Whether you’re just starting out or looking for new inspiration, we invite you to follow along as we share tips, experiences, and delicious recipes from our mini urban homestead. Let’s grow, harvest, and preserve together!