Quail Brooder from a Storage Tote

plastic tote quail chick brooder

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I’m excited to share a quick look at the brooder setup I made for our newly hatched quail chicks! 🐣 If you’re looking for a budget-friendly, easy-to-clean brooder option for small batches of chicks, this DIY project might be just what you need.

Materials I Used:

How I Built It:

I started by cutting out the center section of the storage tote lid, leaving about a 2-inch border around the edge for support. This open section helps with airflow and prevents the chicks from getting too warm.

Next, I cut a piece of 1/4-inch hardware cloth to fit the opening. Using a drill, I made small holes around the edge of the cutout, then used zip ties to securely fasten the hardware cloth to the lid. This wire mesh acts as a secure screen—keeping the chicks safe while allowing for proper ventilation and visibility.

For bedding, I added puppy pads to the bottom of the tote. These work great as a temporary surface—they’re easy to replace, provide good traction for the chicks’ tiny feet, and help keep the brooder clean during those first few days.

Keeping the Chicks Comfortable:

To maintain a safe and cozy environment, I added an adjustable chick heating plate inside the brooder. This allows the chicks to regulate their warmth just like they would under a mother hen. It’s energy-efficient and much safer than traditional heat lamps.

I also included a chick waterer, which are easy for them to access without the risk of spills or drowning. To keep track of the conditions inside, I placed a thermometer to monitor both temperature and humidity levels.

Why I Love This Setup:

  • Super affordable
  • Easy to sanitize between batches
  • Great visibility for monitoring the chicks
  • Keeps drafts out but still allows air circulation
  • Portable and lightweight
  • Safe, warm, and well-equipped for healthy chicks

Here are a few snapshots of the setup and some of our adorable new arrivals settling into their cozy new space. 🐥💛

plastic tote quail brooder
plastic tote quail chick brooder

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